Sunday, August 25, 2024

Devotion: Journey into the Promised Land

 You will win! Amen!!!!!!

Daily Bible Verse

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. ~john 16:7

Daily Inspiration

Jesus tells the disciples that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will be preset in His absence. God cannot be present amidst sin, thus causing us to become separated from our Creator. God loves us unconditionally and sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are filled with the Holy Spirit, thus allowing God to live within our hearts. God loves us beyond our understanding and made it possible to be united again. We will continue to live according to His will and abolish our sinful ways.

Daily Prayer

Dear God, You love us despite our sin and made it possible for our souls to reunite with You for eternity. We devote our love to You and will continue to live according to Your will, abolishing our sinful ways; we will be together again one sweet day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

All we need is JESUS!!!!!

Journey into the Promised Land

By David Jacobs

Journey into the Promised Land: We are all alive for a reason. God established the following covenant with Abram. How can we hear our covenant? ~Genesis 12:1-5

I am an American. I am also (mostly) proud to be an American. When I think of my homeland, I mostly consider the incredible landscapers; places so beautiful it is hard to imagine that they even exist. I also consider the people; coming from all over the world yet somehow bound by an underlying culture. Lastly, I think of our beliefs; although some may disagree, it is a country that wants to be free, to be a leader, and to hold strongly onto our beliefs. I have a powerful connection to my homeland but my true allegiance lies with another power; a power far greater, one that crosses borders, language, and even time. I am a Christian above all else, and no matter what happens to my country, I will always pledge my allegiance to God.

Abram proves his loyalty to God famously in the book of Genesis. Few characters in the Bible are as loyal and devout as Abram, and his loyalty is rewarded. It is rewarded with a covenant between God and his family, one that will last for generations. He trusted God, venturing out into the unknown, because he knew where his allegiance laid; allegiance was not to a place, not to a person, not to a country. His allegiance was to God. He encounters a multitude of difficulties but always perseveres because he knows, as we ALL SHOULD KNOW, that God ALWAYS stands by His side.


O, God, my Shepherd, keep me from doubt. I pledge my allegiance, my undying loyalty, to You, now and forever. I know that like Abram, my faith in Your Word, coupled with a commitment with my own words and deeds, will lead to a reward. I thank You, Gracious God. For I know that this reward is one that I truly do not deserve. I pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died so that I may live. Amen.

With God ALL things are possible!!!!!

When You Are Tired

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. ~Joshua 1:9

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