Monday, July 29, 2024

Appendix: What Does the Bible Really Teach?

 Judgment Day What Is It?


How do you picture Judgment Day? Many think that one by one, billions of souls will be brought before the throne of God. There, judgment will be passed on each individual. Some will be rewareded with heavenly bliss, and others will be condemned to eternal torment. However, the Bible paints quite a different picture of this period of time. Gods Word portrays it, not as a terrifying time, but as a time of hope and restoration.


At Revelation 20:11, 12, we read the Apostle Johns description of Judgment Day: I saw a great white throne and the One seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. and I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is written in the scrolls according to their deeds. Who is the Judge described here?


Jehovah God is the ultimate Judge of mankind. However, he delegates the actual work of judging. According to Acts 17:31, the apostle Paul said that God has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed. This appointed Judge is the resurrected Jesus Christ. (John 5:22) When though, does Judgment Day begin? How long does it last?


The Book of Revelation shows that Judgment Day begins after the war of Armageddon, when Satans system on earth will be destroyed. (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:19-20:3) After Armageddon, Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in an abyss for a thousand years. During that time, the 144,000 heavenly joint heirs will be judges and will rule as king with the Christ for 1,000 years. (Revelation 14:1-3; 20:1-4; Romans 8:17) Judgment Day is not some hurried event lasting a mere 24 hours. It lasts a thousand years.


During that thousand-year period, Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead. (2 Timothy 4:1) The living will be the great crowd that survives Armageddon. (Revelation 7:9-17) The apostle John also saw the dead . . . standing before the throne of judgment. As Jesus promised, those in the memorial tombs will hear [Christs] voice and come out by means of a resurrection. (John 5:28,29; Acts 24:15) But on what basis will ALL be judged?


According to the Apostle Johns vision, scrolls were opened, and the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. (Revelation 20:12) Are these scrolls the record of peoples past deeds? No, the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died. How do we know that? The Bible says: The one who has died has been acquitted from his sin. (Romans 6:7) Those resurrected thus come to life with a clean slate, so to speak. The scrolls must therefore represent Gods further requirements. To live forever, both Armageddon survivors and resurrected ones will have to obey Gods commandments, including whatever new requirements Jehovah might reveal on the basis of what they do during Judgment Day.


Judgment Day will give billions of people their first opportunity to learn about Gods will and to conform to it. This means that large-scale educational work will take place. Indeed, the inhabitants of the land will learn about righteousness. (Isaiah 26:9) However, not all will be willing to conform to Gods will. Isaiah 26:10 says: Even in the land of uprighteousness, he will act wickedly, and he will not see the majesty of Jehovah. These wicked ones will be put to death permanently during Judgment Day.Isaiah 65:20.


By the end of Judgment Day, surviving humans will have come to life fully as perfect humans. (Revelations 20:5) Judgment Day will thus see the restoration of mankind to its original perfect state. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Then a final test will take place. Satan will be released from his imprisonment and allowed to try to mislead mankind one last time. (Revelation 20:3, 7-10) Those who resist him will enjoy the complete fulfillment of the Bibles promise: The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. (Psalm 37:29) Yes, Judgment Day will be a blessing to all faithful mankind!


·          Regarding Armageddon, please see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, pages 594-59, 1037-1038, and chapter 20 of Worship the Only True God, both published by Jehovahs Witnesses.

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