Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Devotion: "I Am Your Father!"

 Have Faith and Stay in Prayer!!!!!

Daily Bible Verse

Jesus saith unto her, Mary, She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. ~John 20:16

Daily Inspiration

Mary was so distressed at the empty tomb that she didn’t recognize Jesus at first. Then he said her name, and she knew that she was in the presence of her resurrected Savior, Jesus knows and calls each of us by name, too. And He speaks to us the way a dear friend does. With knowledge, understanding, and care. That’s the Jesus that knows us.

Daily Prayer

Thank You, Jesus, for not only being my Savior and Redeemer but also my Friend. Thank You for sharing in my life and inviting me to know You. Every time You call my name, I am awestruck that the One who is Maker and Ruler over ALL things would show such care and attention to me. And for that, I thank You and Praise You, my Savior and Friend. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

ALL We Need is JESUS!!!!!!!

“I Am Your Father!”

By David Jacobs

“I Am Your Father!”: Do you have difficulty viewing God as your Father and if you do view Him as your Father, how does it change your relationship? ~Galatians 4:4-7

Have you ever heard the phrase “daddy issues”? This phrase is used to describe people who have had a difficult or non-existent relationship with their fathers and the challenges that often come with it. Even if you have a good relationship with your father, how you perceive people, especially men, has probably been greatly influenced by this relationship. Now think about God: do you view Him as your Father? if so, does that affect the way that you act towards Him?

God sent Jesus to Earth to live among us. He wanted to fully understand what it means to be human because, as a loving Father, He wanted to have a closer relationship with us. Through Christ’s sacrifice, God proved that we are an “heir of God.” He humbled himself for us so that those of us who had overbearing, strict, or even violent father figures in our lives. God did all that He could to grow closer to us and asks that we do the same.


When you pray to God, pray to your biological father as well. Think of them similarly: how does it change the way you pray? When you think of another person, including your father, understand that we are ALL equals: we are ALL heirs to God, His children.

God is the Reason Why I Remain Strong Today!!!!!!

When You Are Losing Hope…

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~John 14:27

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