Monday, March 25, 2024

Devotion: Building Bridges


The Bible in One Year: Psalm 146-147/1 Corinthians 15:1-28

Today’s Reading: John 4:7-14, 39-42: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are ALL one is Christ Jesus. ~Galatians 1:28

Building Bridges

In our neighborhood, high concrete walls surround our homes; many of these walls are enhanced with electric barbed wires lining the top. The purpose? To ward off robbers.

Frequent power outages are also a problem in our community. These outages render the front gate-bell useless. Because of the wall, a visitor may be kept out in the scorching sun or torrential rain during these outages. Yet even when the gate-bell works, to admit the visitor might depend on whom they are. Our fence-walls serve a good purpose, but they can become walls of discrimination—even when the visitor is obviously not an intruder.

The Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at the well had a similar difficulty with discrimination. The Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans. When Jesus asked her for a drink, she said, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (John 4:9) As she began to open up to Jesus, she had a life-changing experience that positively affected er and her neighbors (vv. 39-42) Jesus became the bridge that broke the wall of hostility and favoritism.

The lure to discriminate is real, and we need to identify it in our lives. a Jesus showed us, we can reach out to ALL people regardless of nationality, social status, or reputation. He came to build bridges! ~Lawrence Darman

Lord, thank You for teaching me not to discrimination among people. Help me to see people through Your eyes so that I may honor You.

Jesus breaks down the walls of discrimination!

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